712 E. Highland Street Shawnee, Oklahoma 74801
Total SQFT
Office | For Sale

Building | For Sale
Single Tenant Industrial Warehouse
Property Type
Lease Type
Square Footage
Investor Highlights
13,050 SF with 5,950 SF office and 7,100 SF Warehouse on 1.50 acres on level topography
335 ft of frontage along Highland with 3 access points
Built in 1989 and renovated in 2008 & 2023
12 ft Ceiling Height
11 x 7 ft Overhead Door & (2) 10 x 13 ft Overhead Doors
Paint Booth
2 breakrooms and 5 restrooms
Reinforced concrete slab foundation, walls are EIFS and seamed metal veneer
Office has HVAC and Warehouse has Box heaters
Asphalt parking and drives, concrete walkways, pylon signage, pole mounted lights, and fencing
Utilities include: Electric (OG&E), Gas (ONG), Water & Sewer (City of Shawnee)
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